The Boy From the Mish – Gary Lonesborough auf dem Internationalen
Der australische Schriftsteller Gary Lonesborough, dessen Debütroman The Boy
From the Mish im Jahr 2021 erschien, war am 13. September 2023 für eine Lesung
in Berlin. Schülerinnen und Schüler aller sieben Leistungskurse Englisch des
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasiums besuchten die Veranstaltung, die im Rahmen des
alljährlichen Internationalen Literaturfestivals stattfand. Begleitende Lehrkräfte
waren Frau Koopmann, Frau Penney, Frau Körner, Frau Schüller, Herr Völzmann
und Frau Stegemann.
Auf authentische Art und Weise erzählte Gary Lonesborough über seinen
Protagonisten Jackson und dessen Identitätssuche im ländlichen Australien.
Sexualität, Freundschaft und Rassismus sind die Hauptthemen des Coming-of-Age
Romans. Der Autor betonte aber, dass er vor allem eine Geschichte habe schreiben
wollen, die gerne gelesen werde und in der sich Jugendliche wiederfinden könnten.
In dem anschließenden Gespräch meldeten sich einige Schüler:innen des Freiherrvom-Stein-Gymnasiums zu Wort und stellten interessante Fragen zum Plot, zur
Symbolik des Covers und zur Botschaft des Romans. Auch fragte ein
Leistungskursschüler den Autor, welche Objekte er mit der Geschichte von Jackson
verbinde, und erhoffte sich so ein paar gute Tipps für das Projekt, an dem die
Leistungskurse Englisch von Frau Körner und Frau Stegemann derzeit arbeiten.
Das Leistungskurs-Projekt „Creating a Book Bento – a visual literary analysis“
umfasst die Lektüre des Jugendromans und das Erstellen eines „Book Bento“.
Jede:r Schüler:in wählt fünf bis sieben Gegenstände, die in Bezug zu Themen,
Konflikten, Orten, Charakteren des Werkes stehen, drapiert diese um das Buch,
wählt einen stimmigen Hintergrund und macht ein Foto des Stilllebens von oben. In
einem ergänzenden Text werden die Verbindungen zwischen dem Roman und den
Gegenständen erklärt. (siehe Fotos)
Nach dem Event konnten die Schüler:innen (und die Lehrer:innen) sich ihr Exemplar
des Buches signieren lassen (siehe Fotos). Insgesamt war es für alle Beteiligten
eine sehr schöne und inspirierende Exkursion.
Text und Fotos: Annemarie Stegemann und Clara Körner
Book Bento – write-up response by Hatice
In my book bento, I chose 5 items to represent Jackson’s evolving friendship with Tomas.
I took the photo on a mattress because Jackson loved Tomas sleeping on the mattress next to
him. They kind of got roommates, which helped them to get closer.
At the bottom of the photo a blanket can be seen which I used to try to give the image of someone
(Tomas) sleeping there.
I used a sketchbook and the pencil because that was kind of the first conversation that helped
both to get to know each other. To recover and get out of trouble, Tomas had to create a graphic
novel. That’s why Jackson started to help Tomas by drawing for him in his sketchbook.
The Lego Superman in the top right-hand corner represents the superhero Jackson and Tomas
create. They decide that he should be a Koori just like them. They also want to mention some
important aspects they had to go through as black/indigenous people and, overall, their
experiences in life.
The reason why I used the paint brushes is because they remind me of Jackson’s mom, who
plays a big role for him in the book. She is a strong single mother, the mom and the dad of her
children. But she is still so full of life, always painting, singing and spreading good vibes.
Jackson is a strong character. He is trying to stay connected with his culture even when struggling
with his identity. His loved ones really helped Jackson realising that no matter as who you identify
the people who love you for who you are will still accept you. That’s why I used both paint tubes.
Through the “men’s group” Jackson started to paint again which helped him to express his
Book Bento – write-up response by Kevin
In my book bento for “The Boy from the Mish” by Gary Lonesborough, I chose five items to
symbolize the book´s themes. In the following, I am going to explain how every item ties into the
First of all, I chose a beach as a background. It helps capture the Australian coastal setting that
plays a significant role in the book.
I have selected the LGBTQ flag as the first item. In the story, the main character, Jackson,
grapples with his sexuality and feelings for Tomas. Jackson´s journey towards self-acceptance
and coming to terms with his identity as a gay young man is a central part of the narrative.
As my second object, I have included Aboriginal artwork. Jackson embarks on a journey of selfdiscovery regarding his Aboriginal heritage. Within this context, Aboriginal artwork holds significant
symbolism, reflecting Jackson´s deep connection to his culture and heritage.
The third item is a graphic novel. It represents Tomas´s creative journey, his rehabilitation and
the deep connection between him and Jackson as they collaborate on this project.
The next two objects in my book bento are a paintbrush and paint. These items symbolize the
act of painting which holds great importance in the story. Jackson´s mother and auntie use
painting to express their deep connection to their country and culture.
As the final item, I have chosen a party invitation. It relates to pivotal moments in the novel. In
the story, there is a party Jackson and Tomas attend together. This event marks a turning point in
their relationship and personal journeys.