Cambridge Certificate

Cambridge Certificate

„Die Nachfrage nach hervorragenden Englischkenntnissen nimmt weltweit zu.
Das Bestehen von C1 Advanced zeigt, dass Sie ein leistungsstarker Mensch sind.“
Cambridge Assessment

Neun Schülerinnen und Schüler unserer Schule haben sich im November 2018 nach intensiver und mehrjähriger Vorbereitung durch Frau Schüller dieser Herausforderung gestellt und haben nun einen weltweit anerkannten Nachweis für Spitzenleistungen im Fach Englisch erworben. Wir wünschen unseren Schülern, dass sie ihr Cambridge-Zertifikat zukünftig für ihr Studium oder den Beruf gewinnbringend nutzen können. Well done!

An dieser Stelle möchten unsere Schüler ihre Erfahrungen mit den Cambridge-Kursen am Stein gerne teilen
“I am very content with having made the decision to participate in the Cambridge English Course. In this course I have never felt pressured to study for grades but I rather did it out of interest. I have benefitted from this course in many ways. For example, when it came to the listening exam in the advanced course, we did always better than others because of the familiarity with the tasks and the skills we acquired.”


“To be honest, I had low expectations at first but these turned out to be wrong. Cambridge courses are a welcomed addition to regular English classes and helped me to improve my skills. They are more fun and relaxed than regular classes and you really learn the language and do not just analyse literature. I would very much like to thank Mrs Schüller, Youtube and Netflix for helping me to pass CAE. There are less closed doors in my way now in order to achieve success.”


“For me the course was valuable as I wasn’t only prepared for the Cambridge exam but also for my English classes. Working with the book and the practice tests was always a great help as they contained all the basics you need for English… Of course there were parts I didn’t like, for example creative writing. But if you really want to improve, you have to do it. The topics discussed were mostly ones you encounter in daily life. The certificate will help me with what I plan to do after school… and will definitely enhance my chances… Also, for Cambridge courses you usually need to pay a lot of money, so have this in mind since the one here at school is for free.”


“I would everyone give the advice on seizing the opportunity to take an active part in a course for preparing you for such a prestigious certificate like the CAE – you should really take this opportunity. While studying for Cambridge English the atmosphere was really relaxed without having the feeling of constantly being under pressure. I felt well-equipped for the final exam and I am grateful for the knowledge I gained in the last years.”


“I have taken this course from 9thgrade and even though it was hard sometimes, I’ve never regretted my decision. What I really enjoyed about studying for Cambridge English was the fact that I even got better at my advanced English course. I would recommend this course to everyone who likes the English language and wants to improve one’s English skills. It will be worth it, I promise.”



Beitrag & Foto: A. Schüller
22. März 2019